Overview & Specs

Managing vine replacement in an existing established vineyard is never an easy job. If, in the first couple of years after planting, many of your traditional dormant vine replants haven’t been killed by weed spray, drowned in irrigation, beheaded by the trimmer, or smashed by the harvester, you have done better than most! Not to mention the financial loss of having spaces throughout the vineyard, resulting in unproductive acreage.

At Riversun, we have created the potted SuperVine, which is dispatched as a dormant (lignified) vine ready for a replacement vine situation in your vineyard.

  • The vines are trained up a tall bamboo stake
  • Vines are lignified and ready to lay onto your existing fruiting wire (see full planting instructions for best results)
  • The rootmass is significant with the PB 12 (7 litre) planter bag brimming with healthy, fibrous roots ready for establishment
  • A strong thick stem (at least 6mm diameter for a first grade plant)
  • Planting an undisturbed root system, you reduce the risk of desiccation either in the roots themselves or in the tall woody stem during dry and windy spring conditions
  • Grow guards are not required
  • The SuperVine is already out of the spray and frost zones
  • No need for continual vine training sweeps throughout the season, as the vines can be incorporated in a normal vineyard management passes
  • Roots are inoculated with Trichoderma and Mycorrhizal fungi to promote rapid establishment in challenging replant situations.

 Download the Riversun SuperVines brochure here.


Riversun SuperVines2

Supervine Rootmass STR 3

Riversun SuperVines at Field Nursery

